Buick, LLC and The Beadery® offer an extensive line of standard colors. We currently have more than 500 base colors in our repertoire that span the entire color spectrum and that’s just the start. Most of these colors have variants that can be molded by adding sparkly glitter, satiny pearl, glow in the dark or color mottling effects. Since we have so many combinations of shapes and colors, not all colors are stocked. These unstocked special order colors may be subject to minimum order quantities as well as other restrictions. Contact our sales department for ordering information on the items you are interested in. If you can’t find what you want in our standard colors, we also have the capability to color match a special color for you. Contact our sales department for color matching fees and information.
Our Color Catalog
Click on the categories below to see examples of some of the colors in our color catalog. This is just a representation of the colors that we can mold. Not all colors are available in all parts and there may be a minimum order for non standard colors. Note: Depending on your display settings, the colors may appear different on your screen than the actual molded plastic pieces. Contact our sales department for a color sample if you are interested in purchasing from us.
Clear colors that let the light shine through. *
Add flake to any of our transparent colors to give it a little sparkle. *
Bold, bright, solid colors covering the entire rainbow.
Add a little luster to our opaque colors to get these shimmering pearls.
Milky colored beads that glow in the dark.
Transparent or opaque base colors with other colors swirled throughout. *
* Note: Transparent, sparkle and mottle colors may vary in intensity depending on the size and thickness of the molded parts.